You’ve got 10 minutes to get the trust account update. Will the call come in time?

Never again wait, have the data and the documents at your fingertips.

Painless. Easy to use. Always available. Trust & IOLTA accounting for lawyers.

Reconcile EscrowTrakker® with your bank account statement or online bank records, monthly or daily. That’s all there is to it. EscrowTrakker® For Lawyers does the rest.

No more custom spreadsheets and Ledgers. Track up to 200 separate Trust and IOLTA bank accounts flawlessly.

30 Day Free Trial

No credit card necessary.

Don’t wait for an audit.

EscrowTrakker® will make your audit a breeze.

Download the app today! 

Image of button with " I love a good audit" on it

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Reconciliation in Seconds

Go from hours to minutes a month managing your multiple trust and IOLTA accounts. Eliminate the time-consuming manual process of 3-way reconciliation. Reconciling general checking ledgers, customer balances and bank statements simultaneously is difficult, painstaking and often inaccurate. EscrowTrakker® For Lawyers performs this monthly task automatically and stores this data in the cloud permanently. Print and file with your bank statement each month and you are 100% compliant

Save Time & Money

Powerful, yet simple to use, EscrowTrakker® gives you the freedom to practice law, not accounting. 

Worry-Free Compliance

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App Features


Banking – See the data metrics you need to know NOW:

EscrowTrakker® Banking computer screens

Add Transaction

Drop-down auto-fill selection menus for quick and easy data entry:

EscrowTrakker® Add Transaction Screens

Pie Charts

Analytics you can understand and USE:

EscrowTrakker® Pie Charts computer screens

Dial up custom interactive pie charts to see balance and detail:


Custom reports drill down on all financials

EscrowTrakker Reports on computer screens


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General Features

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